The Business of Creating

I am in the business of creating. This is not only limited to my art or writing. It extends to everything else that I do.

You could even go so far as to say that my life in totality is creativity. I’ll explain what I mean.

When I sleep, I dream about stories. Sometimes it’s deliberate because it’s all that’s on my mind. Other times it’s very much a construct of my psyche.

As soon as I wake up, my dreams start to play out in my head, actively or otherwise. I attach ideas to them that then materialize into images and words.

They’re often complete in my mind, although there’s always a disconnect whenever I need to translate the same on paper. Which as you can imagine is very frustrating.

So I’ll find myself drafting and editing in loops, trying to actualise what I imagined. Sometimes it works, most times I travel on a completely different tangent entirely.

At the end of the day though, I will lose track of time swimming in a mess of my own making. It is a very beautiful chaotic mess though.

Creating breathes a sense of accomplishment in me. I cannot boast of a white collar job which I gave 16 years of my life to trying to get, but I do have my imagination.

I value it beyond measure because It reminds me that I still have something worthwhile to give back to the world, even though the corporate scene hasn’t seen worth in me.

So I write, draw, dream and repeat. Such is the wondrous curse that life has meted out to me and I actually am grateful for it, truly.


Photo by Brad Neathery on Unsplash.

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