Salty and Fishy

I can’t remember the events of my most memorable family vacation play by play, but I do recall the highlights, vaguely. We got up at the crack of dawn of course. Dad preferred it this way because of the afternoon sun. Beating it was always the name of the game.

I’m not sure who was driving. It swirled around between my dad, mum and baby sister.

I can’t drive.

But I can cook. So I made the travel snacks the previous night and they were damn good.

There was music. Always is with these long journeys. It helps to keep the driver awake when everyone else blacks out. Plus it tempers the awkward silence.

I remember laughter. Dad said a lot of things. He was a talker and knew everything. I secretly envied and wanted to emulate this part of him.

Still do.

We took lots of pictures. Silly ones at that. He joined in. Mum too.

I recall the smell of the ocean. Salty and fishy. It was nice.

There was good food, air con and tons of hawkers selling korosho. I can’t remember the events play by play, but I remember the feeling. I always will.

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