The Brunt and Blows of Revolution

In light of recent occurrences in Kenya, I’m particularly excited about impending change. This is because what started as a murmur, gradually grew into a clarion call for transformation.

Now as gullible as I may be, steeped deep into the blindfolded bliss of fiction, I am conscious enough to acknowledge truth. Change does not happen instantaneously.

The Kenyan youth have risen up to call out a tyrannical regime. Of course we cannot blame the current leadership for all the ills that we face. Nor can we strip ourselves of blame as we are the ones who elected them. It is simply unfortunate, in light of enlightenment, that they must bear the brunt and blows of revolution.

As a nation, we stand now at the cusp of something beautiful. In exchange for memes and mindless entertainment, we have as a taken up civic education and propagation for reform.

The electorate, tired of living below minimum wage in deplorable conditions of unemployment, over-taxation and bullying by the office bearers, have championed for an immediate effect of their long held demands.

I stand awed at the collective defiance of the unnecessary largesse flaunted by the elected. The sovereign people instead demand servant leadership, accountability of the arms of government and a fulfillment of any and all false promises.

So yes, I am very excited about the future. To see the youth champion for change, backed by the aged and aging warms my heart.

To see us educating ourselves and pushing for restraint and social responsibility is remarkable. And to do all of this in the face of threats, abductions, police brutality and extrajudicial killings is profound.

I am excited to wake up to a Kenya where leaders are held accountable for their actions and the electorate recognizes it’s core mandate to exercise its constitutional rights.

That future seemed farfetched a month ago. Now, I feel even the air is wrought with hope. So I smile and take up arms alongside my fellow countrymen. We march towards our tomorrow. We go forward to create the Kenya we deserve. The Kenya we have been robbed of for so many years.

We march forward towards change.


Header image by Hassan Kibwana.

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